2022 Walk & Ride with a club.

Welcome back to all members: Hoping all are ready to stretch your legs once again. The committee are meeting on 29 January 2022 to confirm the existing program with some added multi day walk adventures to suit us all. Please don’t forget if you have any queries don’t hesitate to contact the amazing secretary Elly Rands on Mobile: 0458 722 070 or Email if preferred on berands@bigpond.com.

You can view the program dates on the website for now, this is emailed out to those current members. Don’t forget to check out the facebook page too!

Over the next few days there will be some interesting Expressions of Interest for some proposed multi day walks; as the Leader’s have put quite a lot of time and effort into planning. Please be prompt with your intentions to participate. President Peter Brennan along with the secretary Elly Rands and committee; Glen Hill, Eric Caswell, Feroz Wani, Bill Dempsey, Getha Kroll, Victoria McAdam, Johanna (Joby) Mitchell, will ensure the program has something for everyone. Do yourself a favour sign a friend up to join in on the 2022 adventures.

Be Safe & Be Seen & Walk with a Club.

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