The Mudgee Bushwalking and Bike Riding Club Inc, held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) and General Quarterly Meeting on 12 June 2024. A warm welcome for all that attended on this very cool winter’s evening. All office bearers were thanked for their fine efforts throughout the year. The committee going from strength to strength each time. The elections were conducted by Public Officer -Glen Hill. Congratulations and welcome to the following members in your roles in moving the club forward for 2024-2025.

2024-2025 Positions –Let the planning and adventures begin.
President: Victoria McAdam Vice President: Bill Kempton Secretary (POC): Johanna (Joby) Mitchell Minutes: Melanie Trethowan Treasurer/Membership: Gretha Kroll, Public Officer: Glen Hill Committee Members: Safety Officer; Eric Caswell, Website/FB Officer; Michael Cook, Rider’s Representative; Bill Webster, along with Karen Riley, Feroz Wani, Wayne Wicks and Graham Pound. Several key roles created from last year: Club Custodian/Hall Venue-Monitor; Elly Rands, Honorary Website Master; Sof Lee. Thank you to all that have taken up these positions and look forward to more adventures/tasks conquered. An amazing light supper and catch-up before the trip home. Posted on website and Facebook by JM.