DATE: Saturday 8 October 2016 & camp overnight.
LEADER(S): Ivy & Neville Higgs
Distance: Mudgee to Burrendong Dam approx 43klm.
REPORT & IMAGES: Joby Mitchell
After assembling behind the Mudgee PO riders approx 15, travelled along the Hill End Road to the Yarrabin turn off. Several riders then turned back to Mudgee for a coffee while others continued along Burrendong dam Rd to entrance gate. Mudgee to Burrendong Dam approx 43klm. Meeting up at the community BBQ area with other day visitors for Morning Tea.

Preparation then began by a quick set up of tents & then it was time to hit the water, canoe’s & kayak’s. Some members took a walk around the park to take in the views of all that water. The pleasant and sunny weather brought the little yellow car of Euni’s for a test run. The dam was currently 121% full on the day of the visit, we could see that it had been higher as the drifting timber had left a high tide mark. Several members returned home via their bikes after refreshments.
For those that stayed, enjoy a joint BBQ that night. A huge thank you to Chris & Wendy for the use of the canoe’s & kayak’s.