The Mudgee Bushwalking and Bike Riding Club Inc, held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) and General Quarterly Meeting on 8/6/2022. A good roll up of members despite the winter elements and bleak dark skies. The outgoing office bearer’s were thanked for their fine efforts throughout the year. The elections were conducted by Glen Hill. Congratulations and welcome to the following members in your roles in moving the club forward for 2022-2023.

President: Victoria Mcadam Vice President: Bill Kempton
2022-2023 Elected Positions:
President: Victoria Mcadam
Vice President: Bill Kempton
Secretary: Elly Rands
Treasurer: Gretha Kroll
Public Officer: Glen Hill
Technology Co-ordinator/Website/Facebook: Chris Anderson
Committee: Safety Officer= Eric Caswell, Secretary Assist= Johanna (Joby) Mitchell, Glen Hill, Feroz Wani, Karen Riley, Bill Dempsey.
Posted for website/facebook: J.Mitchell.