Saturday 9 September & Sunday 10 September 2023.
Saturday plan went ahead: An exploratory walk on the Mount Airly Trail, to include an overnight camp at Airly Campground, then on Sunday link up with Day walkers to walk the Tramway Trail. (Weather permitting was a crucial element, after a cold blast came through on the Friday).
Day 1: Saturday: The Mount Airly Trail -the trail ascends to the top of Mount Airly with views over Gardens of Stone NP and the Capertee Valley. Distance walked 10kms, return and set up camp. The campground proved to be very popular, many taking in the opportunity for some great views of the cliff faces to the north.
Day 2: Sunday: The Tramway Trail this follows an old oil shale mine tramway route around Mount Airly and through the ruins of Airly village to a lookout over the valley. (great spot for lunch). A combined 20 members took the opportunity to explore the ruins and stop and enjoy the view and to tackle the many fallen trees on the trail (noting trail very overgrown since last visit), as the area was closed to the public due to a landslide-2021, and only recently re-opened. Distance walked – 10kms. Our artist Jenny Mac, was noted taking in some sketching and thankfully had some mapping information and history of the area for members to look over.
Overall comment: It’s a very interesting walk with lots to explore. “When are we doing it again”?
Map Ref: Glen Alice Grade(s): Saturday -Hard/Medium Sunday- Medium
Distance walked each day: 10km. Participants: Sunday: 20
Reccy and leader(s): Karen, Eric, Bill K, Wayne W. -A massive thankyou to this reccy team for exploring the Airly area for members to conquer. (Photo of reccy team below).

Photo’s: Karen Riley, Trish Kempton, Joby Mitchell
Posted to website/FB by JM.