BLACKHEATH – Triple walk weekend -Done

BLACKHEATH – Triple walk weekend -Done

Walk: (Multiple options)-

1) Saturday 3/11/18 Perry’s Lookdown overnight camp Acacia Flat (Blue  Gum Forest) exit via the Grand Canyon-  Blackheath. Leader Eric Caswell; 6374 1636.                                                                                             2) Sunday 4/11/18 Grand Canyon Blackheath & possible meetup with overnight campers. Leader John Mitchell; 0439721065.                3) Sunday 4/11/18 Campbell Rhododendron Gardens. Leader Joby Mitchell; 0427721062.

The starting point. Perry’s Lookdown – image by Glen Hill.






                                     Saturday  (overnight) Departed 8am from Mudgee, left from Perrys Lookdown after lunch to set up camp at Acacia Flat (Blue Gum Forest), Sunday 8am  commenced walking out via Junction Rock via the Grand Canyon.  A good level of fitness was required for this overnight walk.  (6) members; Eric Caswell, Peter Brennan, Ryan Gomaz, Glen Hill, Berni Aquilina, Alex Carynny completed.

Alex and Ryan. Image by Glen Hill.




The Track. Image by Glen Hill.



Sunday – Grand Canyon Walk; departed Mudgee 7:30 met up with Rob Coggins, David Schultz and Michael Anderson for morning tea at the Rhodo gardens, Blackheath and to arrange cars for the quick trip to the Grand Canyon entrance, so Jutta Irvine, Monique Unwin and John Mitchell could join them and to commence their walk. Walking time approx 3 hours.

Sunday – Campbells Rhododendron Gardens; Blackheath. Also departing Mudgee 7:30am then enjoying a scrumptious morning tea in the “Lodge” at the gardens. The “Lodge is only open during the Rhododendron garden festival approx 4 weeks Oct/Nov. As the beautiful blooms were teasing us we hastily split up to cover the 18hectares of blooms; Adrian Jordon, Andrea Sauerbier, Margaret Brennan, Elly Rands, Lorraine Cannon, Paula Brunton, Joby Mitchell & visitor Nancy.

Life Member Andrea Sauerbier visiting the gardens. Image by Adrian Jordon.

As many photos were taken; for all three activities – these to be added this week, so stay tuned. Thankyou to all who participated and well done to those overnight campers/walkers.

A “White” Waratah. Image by Joby Mitchell.







Report by: Joby Mitchell

Images by: Glen Hill, Adrian Jordon, Joby Mitchell.