Bowman Gardens & bike ride to Cooyal (Double deal- report).

Bowman garden participants & the riders lunch break at the Cooyal Hotel.

Bowman Gardens: Report by Elly Rands Sunday 20 November 2022. -Eight walkers and three visitors met at Lovejoy Street at 9am to enjoy a near perfect day with a leisurely walk through the garden and for the ones that wanted a little more of a challenge they had a choice of hills and paddocks to explore.

Our hostess Tamara showed the garden lovers through her spectacular garden and nineteenth century buildings. The garden has been planted with tree plantings, hedges and hardy Mediterranean style scrubs. Fruit trees, the veggie garden, tasted sweet asparagus, succulents, fruit trees and of course table grapes. So much to see and admire. The “real” gardeners in the group came home with cuttings of geraniums, irises and leek for their dinner.

The others in the group took a 4 km hike through the paddocks, not easy as the grass was knee high but a great outlook over Windamere dam from the top of a hill. (But none took any photos). When they came back they also wandered through the garden.  Lunch on the veranda. After lunch a guided tour through the restored old buildings. A great day and all arrived home safe and very happy.

Bike Ride to Cooyal Hotel & return: Report- 20 November 2022. –

Activity Leader: Greg Robinson pleased that the strong head winds and the weather permitted this ride to ‘finally’ go ahead, as it was posotphoned the previous week. A distance of 60km return. Others joined in for a lunch catch-up at the Cooyal Hotel (as planned)!.

The three musketers! John, Greg & Bill- enjoyed their ride 20.11.2022. Photo by Ivy Higgs.

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