Location: Private property COOYAL
Date: Sunday 13th April 2025.
Meet & Depart Lovejoy Street carpark Time: 8:30am sharp. Re-meet: (outside) Cooyal Hotel 9:00am Travel a further 6km along the Kains Flat/White Cedars Road
Arrive at property 9:10am
Description of Walk: More details after this weeks reccie! via email to current financial members. Club walk grade: tbc suspect Medium Walk Distance: Approx 6-8km What to Bring: Bring morning tea and lunch and drinks to enjoy along the walk and PPE for a bushwalk along an old fire trail. Walking poles optional. Club safety equipment will be delegated amongst participants.
Leader(s): John & Joby Mitchell and tbc reccie to be completed Saturday 15th March 2025.
Please contact: Joby Mitchell -Secretary (Point Of Contact) if you would like to join in on this walk. Visitors welcome. Mobile: 0427 721062 Email: mudgee.bushwalking@outlook.com –preferred
Posted to website/FB by JM.