Saturday: 23 July 2022 Note its a Saturday !!!!!! Time: 10am – 1pm Meet Location: 19 Lovejoy Street, Mudgee (opp. our usual meeting pint).
Education Day Description: Join in to share your experiences and skills involved in walking / leading, Training & Education: practical map skills & GPS, Satellite, UHF & safety club training, with Glen & Eric.
Leader(s)/Trainer(s): Glen Hill & Eric Caswell. Club venue hostess: is Andrea Sauerbier.
What to bring – YOUR OWN COMPASS (if you have one) and a CHAIR
Tea, coffee and a light lunch will be provided. (Committee members please bring a plate of food to share)
Please RSVP for Education Day before Thursday (assists in catering)! Elly Rands (Secretary): Mobile: 0458 722 070 Email: berands@bigpond.com More information via email to current members.
(Note: The upcoming Light to Light walk (Ben Boyd N/P briefing/update directly after for interested & participating members). Refer to program for dates & brief.