DATE: SUNDAY 2 DECEMBER 2018 Location: Hill End Road, Grattai. Description: Panoramic view, ,with some hill climbing but not steep.

The walk at Leo’s in Grattai was a walk enjoyed by all, of the 3 walks planned, only two were done which proved sufficient for the majority. The 3rd walk can be done another time.
We had a tea break on the patio and then moved to Avisford for the second walk, again the walk was worth the effort with beautiful views looking down towards the Meroo River in the valley below.
We then drove a little further to Cal’s house and we had lunch on his studio patio, and what a great spot for lunch that was, Cal’s wife Sue even had baked some cake for us.
This was just an example of some of the beautiful areas we have in the Mudgee area, and I think with a little more investigation and research, we can come up with more walks closer to home. I for one will keep a lookout in my neck of the woods.
A big thank you to all that came, it was a most enjoyable day and lets hope we can do more like that in the future.
Full Report & Images: Leo Boersma
A dust storm and temperatures in the 30degrees + did not deter these walkers.