“Light to Light” walk; Beowa National Park- formerly known as Ben Boyd N/P. noting name change1/10/2022.
Report by: Vice President- Bill Kempton Dates: 30/9/2022-4/10/2022 Walk Leader: Safety Officer- Eric Caswell Ground Crew: (3) Bob Riley, Elly Rands, Johanna (Joby) Mitchell. Travel Distance: approx 1500km (up to 10hrs). Overall Walk Distance: 35km. Walker’s: (10), Eric Caswell, Bill Kempton, Feroz Wani, Ole & Gretha Kroll, Karen Riley, Colleen Lovell, Jenny Macnaughton, Melanie Trethowan, John Mitchell. Accommodation: Wonboyn Lake Resort. Points of Interest: Edrom Homestead. Animal/wildlife: Whale’s, Dolphin’s, Seal’s, goanna’s ‘Lace Monitor’s’, snake’s both brown & black, mutton birds, Kookaburrah’s, Sea eagles’s, Parrot ‘Pezoporus wallicus’ (10) chooks – happy with our scraps. Photo’s: Thank you to all who contributed; facebook lit up once again.

Report: After an approx. 10 hour drive from Mudgee (with stops) to the accommodation point Wonboyn Lake Resort (just south of Eden NSW)- Friday 30/9/22. Noting a wet journey there! Weather looking ominous for the next few days! A comfortable accommodation setting to unwind greeted all. Day 1- Walk: Saturday 1/10/22 Boyd’s Tower to Saltwater Creek campground. Approx. walk distance 14km. There was the expectation of some showers though they didn’t eventuate (luckily). Prior to the walk; We were escorted to a pier, and able to view the historic ‘Edrom Lodge’ built back in 1910 completed 1913 now owned by the National Trust. Now to start the walk; with clearly marked trails and great scenery, spectacular ocean views and sightings of migrating (south) whales were a feature. One whale even ‘waved’, exposing its fins and tail. We also saw thousands of shearwaters (mutton birds) flying south, apparently to Tasmania. A white bellied sea eagle was also seen catching thermals. The finish of the walk required the removal of boots and paddling through a creek which was refreshing for the feet. On arrival at the Saltwater Creek pickup point; Bob & Elly & Joby were waiting, we were told of Joby’s ‘encounter’ with a goanna which resulted in Joby climbing the tree (instead of the goanna doing the climbing), Joby says first in best dressed! The day concluded with ‘happy hour’ followed by a hosted meal by Elly & Joby by the wood fire ‘chili con carne’. (in the games room)! Day 2-Walk: Sunday 2/10/22 Saltwater Creek campground to Bittangabee Bay campground. Approx. walk distance 10km. A later start of 9am with a fine day with mild temperatures, the walk commenced with boots off, walking along a stretch of beach (watching out for blue bottles) and another paddle through a creek. Low scrub, open heath land and forest. A wide variety of colourful native flowers were a feature; much to Gretha & Colleen’s delight, Jenny was able to put a name to so many. There were amazing rock platforms which provided for fantastic views of the ocean (and more whales). Some fortunate walkers also watched a pod of dolphins & (query seals?), feeding on a school of fish close to shore. The walking on this section was mostly straightforward, being flat to slightly undulating. there were a few stairs. Ground crew were there waiting. Private access granted at this area. The group visited Disaster Bay Lookout for a quick group photo. Another excellent day which again finished off with ‘happy hour’ and a BBQ organised by Eric, Eric & Joby. A few wines by the open fire by the Lake to capture the ‘sunset’ & beyond ended another great day. Note: next time Mount Imlay (Karen), for a better view of the ocean. Day 3-Walk: Monday 3/10/22 Bittangabee Bay campground to Green Cape Lighthouse plus detour to Pulpit Rock and via the Blowhole. Approx. walk distance 11km. A fine though cool start. (9am), The walk commenced in thicker bush, including large trees with again sections of open bushland and heath etc, some interesting sightings along the way including goanna’s, more whales and a variety of birds. The Pulpit Rock formation was enjoyed by all, as was the Blowhole which also provided a number of whale sightings. After visiting the Ly-Ee Moon Cemetery; 1886 the ‘SS Ly-ee Moon’ a maritime disaster. www.monumentaustralia.org.au. At the completion of the walk the group inspected the Green Cape Lighthouse. This historic set of buildings provided an insight into the operation of the lighthouse in bygone era’s. Again ‘Happy Hour’ with a (freshly caught supply of fish for the BBQ banquet, and BBQ potato chips; thanks Karen & Bob, by the Lake. In conclusion a huge acknowledgement and thanks to Eric, Elly, Joby, Bob for their assistance with the walkers. A special thanks to Peter (owner of Wonboyn Lake Resort- ‘WLR’) for his “above and beyond” assistance not only in assisting ‘ferrying’ the walkers but also his general help and advice. The club ‘rewarded Peter with some local port and honey etc’ for his kindness’ The WLR is to be recommended to anyone seeking a relaxing break with lots of activities available; kayaking, fishing etc or just taking in the scenery by the water. Well done to all the walker’s who encouraged each other on their journey with the assistance of the club equipment; walkie talkie’s etc members were able to walk at their pace to take encompass the ‘Light to Light’ experience.
Club Rating: tick, tick, tick Posted for Website/Facebook by J.Mitchell