Local walk: Mullamuddy area

Sunday 6th September 2020 Walk: Mullamuddy – Mt Frome area

Please RSVP to Elly Rands berands@bigpond.com Mob: 0458 722 070  (by Thursday prior to the walk) More details have been sent to current members via email.  Description: Enjoy the close proximity to the Mudgee township in the beautiful Mullamuddy area. Loop walk on fire trail – through private property. Steep incline to start and a hill or two to follow. Then some ridge walking, through a clearing and saddle. Return via the creek with a little bush bashing. Approximate Distance: 5-6km – Not long but a good work out in a lovely environment. Conditions: Rocks and loose stones on the trail. Note:  Hay fever alert- wattles will be blooming.

Leader: Jenny Macnaughton     Grade: Easy – Medium Meet: 9.30am at Lovejoy Street Carpark (Douro Street end). or 10am at 481 Melrose Road Mullamuddy (enter Melrose Road via Highway) 

What to bring: Morning tea to share, Lunch to eat, water to drink, sturdy shoes and a hat to wear.  Due to Covid-19: All participants to adhere to Covid-19 practices.  Remember: Stay Well and Stay Safe 


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