Walk: Ferntree Gully – near Rylstone. Date: Sunday 10th March 2024

Time: 8:00am Departing Lovejoy Street carpark (Douro Street end), Mudgee for carpooling (optional) & walk registration. Re-meet: 9:00am Ferntree Gully carpark
Leader(s): Jenny MacNaughton, Michelle Baker. Grade: Easy/Medium The walk does involve climbing a couple of hills, but the majority of the trail is flat and easy. Please RSVP Thursday prior to walk to mudgee.bushwalking@outlook.com
Location: Ferntree Gully carpark area is located on the Bylong Valley Road (17km from Rylstone towards Bylong) and is clearly sign-posted. It will be a walk of discovery to again see how the bushland is recovering from the fires of 2019/2020.
The last club walk in this area was 7 February 2021 and prior to that April 2017, so this is a regular great (3km) walking track.
It is a relatively easy walk “a great circuit walk” with a couple of good lookouts for views back down into the gully; the Leader’s will decide the direction of the walk as it will take us down the gully and a little harder going back to the top with lots of steps 100m). (however it is suggested to do this in reverse to avoid the ascent with steps).
An additional little 2.2km loop named “Peppermint Trail” for those who are interested. The walk: to enjoy yourself, as it is not a race – Walk to your own capabilities with club members”.
Prior to walk we will have a quick shared morning tea whilst Leaders prepare the equipment and all to attend/listen as Leader’s hold a walk briefing.
More information emailed to members; Posted to website/FB 12.2.24 JM.