Date: Sunday 6 June 2021
Leader(s): Glen Hill & Bill Kempton
Mt Buckaroo trip report: Twelve people participated in the walk to the top of Mount Buckaroo on Sunday 6th June. It turned out to be a challenging exercise for several of the members of the club as the initial part was predominately uphill. The total ascent was 411 meters with a gradient that felt like 45 degrees in places. With a round trip of approx. 9 km, the return trip tested out everyone’s knees, following the same path, just predominately down. We started the walk from Lue road, through open farmland until we reached an appropriate morning tea spot at the edge of the sheep property we walked through. From this point we followed an old disused fire trail ascending through scrubland where the trees grew stunted and sparse. Everyone was amazed with the views and seeing Mudgee town from a different angle was a sight for all. Thanks Bill Kempton for assisting and leading on this walk. Report by: Glen Hill.

Posted for website: Committee ‘sprout’ – Joby.