Expression of Interest (EOI) 1st circulation.
What: Walk/Camp Activity:
When: (September – midweek proposed 2/9/24 3nights/4days)
Where: Six Foot Track – Blue Mtns N/Park.
The Six Foot Track was originally a bridle trail from Katoomba to the Jenolan Caves, and is now a walking trail of 44.3 klm. Katoomba to Jenolan Caves. The club have conquered this walk a few times now & every time the walkers have all stated it was an amazing walk with great views and great challenges. Grade(s): TBA
Note: Support vehicles assist -required.
Of course if/when you register your interest/intentions more information will be happily emailed to you, a great walk involves some great planning. (more information will be discussed at the next general meeting), & also at the next committee meeting. – Date TBA. Please indicate your interest by replying to this email.
Joby will relay your interest to both; Melanie Trethowan and Eric Caswell.
Emailed to members; 12.2.24, Posted to website/FB 12.2.24 JM.