SUNDAY 15 JULY 2018: Cobbora SCA

SUNDAY 15 JULY 2018: Cobbora SCA

By Anne McAlpine

8 Dubbo Field Nats and 6 Mudgee Bushwalking & Bike Riding Club members met in the tiny village of Cobbora to spend the day together to share the beauty of the Cobbora State Conservation Area. (2261 hectares).

As a SCA (proclaimed 2010) this reserve is not protected from mining etc as it would be if it was a National Park and has already been under threat from coal mining in recent times.

The “bush” is made up of Ironbark-Black Cypress Pine with some vunerable Box Gum woodland. It has a number of Endangered species including the plant Kieth`s zieria (ingramii), Glossy- Black cockies, Malleefowl, Barking Owl, Speckled Warblers and Varied Sittella.

We broke into 2 groups at the caves, one to birdwatch at the sandstone caves and the other walked 6 km to see the remnants of the only remaining steam powered timber mill.

We saw one very mangey wombat who was feeding and not disturbed by our Ooooing and Ahhing. Multiple active burrows were also seen.

Birds seen include 3 Glossy-Black Cockatoos, Scarlet, Yellow & Red-capped Robins, Rufous Whistlers & Double-barred Finches.
Ferrals included goats, Box Thorn & nettles all of which frequented the top of the caves hill.

The weather was perfect after the very heavy frost lifted and all of us enjoyed the day

4 DFN members then went to try to find a known Malleefowl mound but we were not successful and suspect it may have been buldozed when the road was graded.

Elly's dog (Rory) enjoyed the beautiful day
Elly’s dog (Rory) enjoyed the beautiful day

Walk: Cobbora Conservation Area

Description: Easy 6km walking / 12km mountain bike ride / 1-3km birdwatching stroll. Many fire trails through slightly undulating sandy/rocky tracks through the bush and open areas.

Meet time: 8:30AM at Lovejoy Street carpark Mudgee for carpooling or Dunedoo 9:30AM at 12 Tucklan St, Dunedoo.

Bring a chair, lunch and water, thermos, appropriate clothing and your enthusiasm!

Contact: Sharon Nott 0428859509 or