Walk: Ganguddy (Dunns Swamp) area.

Date: Sunday 4th December 2022. Our next adventure and the last walk for this year. Again it will be weather permitting.

Meet at 8.15am Lovejoy Street parking area (it is about a 1 hour drive). For those coming from the Rylstone/Kandos area meet at Rylstone Hospital at 9.15am. We will park at the swamp campground and enjoy morning tea.

Walk Notes: According to Victoria (your leader) the walk in her view is easy to moderate. (10 km return). A different walk to the ones we have done before – check it out. A short section is steep (20 metres) this is walked on rocks with a hand rail. The track is an old fire trail along the Cudgegong river. Very  easy to follow. Walk through to Franks Farm Stay, say hello to owners, have an early lunch and walk back to the campground. Should be done by 4pm

Note: (We can leave a few cars at Franks Farm Stay for walkers who only want a one-way ticket).

Please RSVP your intentions asap to Elly Rands, Mobile: 0458 722 070 Email: berands@bigpond.com

Please refer to email(s) for more details. Posted on website & facebook by JM.

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