Date: Sunday the 28th May 2023 Meet: Lovejoy Street carpark (Douro Street end) Time: 9:00am Location: Private property – Lue Road
Leader(s): Bill Kempton and Elly as contact person. Description: Parking the cars at the bottom of the hill, enjoying a shared morning tea, before you tackle an amazing walk over a rough bush track taking you up the hill (mountain) to the top which should take about 1-2 hrs where you will have lunch and be able to enjoy the scenery. Circling around the house and back down a more gentler way. Not for the faint-hearted but a good workout and only 10minutes out of town.
What to bring: Morning tea to share, (before the start of the walk) water to drink, lunch to eat. What to wear: Suitable clothing, hat, sturdy walking shoes, walking poles (optional).
Contact person to RSVP: Elly Rands Mob: 0458 722 070 Email: berands@bigpond.com
Please RSVP for the walk by Thursday prior to walk. – Additional information will be via email to current members. Posted for website & facebook by Joby.